
About Us

Welcome to Our Journey to Life!  This is the place where I share my thoughts about the love that God has given us for orphans, as well as our journey through parenting our three beautiful sons and the small, everyday moments that make our lives memorable and meaningful.

I have the privilege of staying at home with my two youngest sons.   We started homeschooling almost two years ago and it has been an incredible journey.  Currently, our oldest is attending 3rd grade in public school while I am homeschooling a kindergartner.  My three year old is growing quickly and works hard to keep up with his big brothers.  They are all three best buddies and I couldn't be more proud to be their mommy.

Our journey to Africa began a couple of years ago when some family friends adopted two boys from Ethiopia.  God began to stir our hearts and through countless hours of prayer and seeking His will, has led us to The Raining Season.  TRS is an organization based in here in the US that has opened an orphanage in Sierra Leone, West Africa.  I hope you'll join us and follow along as we walk the road God has put before us.  It's quite an adventure!